What is it?
- A choir for adults who have any sort of link to West Buckland School (parent or ex-parent, staff or alumni, governor, friend of a friend of a friend etc………)
- You don’t need any experience; indeed you might not have sung for years or believe yourself totally useless – YOU ARE WELCOME. Come along and give it a go!
- Have a watch of a previous concert (4 mins of highlights) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwxJQESN1Q4
When and where will the chorus perform?
- In Exeter Cathedral on the 27th June 2020 as part of the West Buckland Choral Concert alongside the 60/70 strong Senior Choir and accompanied by the North Devon Sinfonia (www.northdevonsinfonia.org.uk).
What will we sing?
What do I have to do if I am interested?
- Check you can make the rehearsals
- Email Emma Kent, Director of Music, on emk@westbuckland.com
- Wednesday 25th September, 7-9pm
- Wednesday 9th October, 7-9pm
- Wednesday 6th November, 7-9pm
- PLUS, further a Wednesday night in January, February, March, April and May dates t.b.c
- Sunday 21st June, 3-6pm
- Saturday 27th June, CONCERT DAY, 12noon-3pm, concert 7:30pm.
There is a £20 subscription to participate and you will be expected to purchase your own choir books – information will be given out at the first rehearsal next week.
I have books you can borrow to begin with.
I do hope that lots of you will feel excited about joining in this ambitious venture and sharing in our musical community here at West Buckland.
I look forward to your emails!
Best wishes,
Emma Kent