Class of '87 Reunion
One morning last June a quick message posted on Facebook generated quite a buzz… it simply mentioned it was 25 years since the class of '87 took their 'O' levels.
Photo at Saunton left to right: Neil Stevenson 80-89 B, Chris 'Drib' Bird 82-89 C, Stuart Scott-Gold
Class of ’87 Reunion
In fact a few weeks later over 650 messages had been posted and a date set for a reunion. So on the 22nd September ex WBS pupils from far and wide gathered for a meal at the Saunton Sands Hotel, many to meet for the first time since school days.
The afternoon commenced with a stroll around the school, which provoked many memories aided perhaps by the simple fact that much of the school remains very much unchanged since 1987. In fact at first glance, it was us that had changed most, as we are all now in our early forties. I say at first glance, because as the first few minutes passed and lively conversations began, it soon became apparent that actually most of us had not changed much at all. Mannerisms, voices and expressions were all much the same as the children we spent 5 or more years with two and a half decades ago.
Gathering for a meal at the Saunton Sands Hotel that evening gave us all a great opportunity to swap stories, old and new. There was in fact so much to chat about it was 3AM before we knew it!
Although we now had lawyers, submariners, translators and university lecturers amongst us, we were very much still the same children who had grown up together.
With a firm resolve to stay in touch, we've set up a Facebook group and already set a date for the next bash, albeit in 5 years.
For photos and video old and new of the 82-87 pupils, search for 'WBS class of 87' on Facebook.
Mike Bishop 82-87 G