Debut for new author...
Ed Marshall, as he is known in the writing world has published his first novel. Ed studied Philosophy at Cardiff University and then taught in Italy for a number of years.
Union is a thriller combining elements of politics, scandal and espionage. Set in France, it tells the story of a country in economic turmoil, forced to choose between saving its finances and safeguarding its national identity. When Finance Minister Michel Dupont proposes a radical solution to the country's problems, not everyone agrees that the price for rescuing the country's economy is worth paying. An underground nationalist group calling itself Leviathan believes that Dupont's plan will threaten French identity, and it embarks on a campaign of destruction in order to make its voice heard. Fearful that Leviathan may have deadly intentions, undercover agent Camille Blanchet is sent to infiltrate its membership and discover the identity of its elusive leader before things get out of hand. Union is a story that raises issues of culture versus economics, tradition versus progress. It asks what we value most in society and what we are willing to do to protect protect it.
With the current disagreements raging in the European Union it is very topical and is available to purchase on
Amazon in printed or Ebook form.
Edward Kettle (92-00 F)