A blot on the landscape...
Leslie Stephens arrived at school in April 1953, to take over from Cordy Wheeler our inter-regnum head since the sudden retirement of Sam Howells.
Leslie's glowing biography in the school register failed to mention that the family loved continental travelling.
Now in our day we were banned from walking across the front of the headmaster's house. Was this perhaps a rule to ensure that the headmaster always had a pleasant view across the tennis courts? The beloved caravan, from that day became a feature on the front drive.
After a year or so of sitting there, the caravan had become a great concern to many so, come Whit weekend ‘54 several old boys, over a pint or two, decided that immediate action was needed, they took the initiative and manhandled the caravan away to the back of the School.
The next morning of course, Leslie exploded, but the good was done - from that day we never saw the caravan there again.
David Lawton 2014